Minigira de Nadal per tancar el 2016

A sOns ens agraden les Nadales. I no vam poder evitar dir que sí a dos concerts de Nadal en dos dies i a gairebé 300km de distància l’un de l’altre. Hem tancat el 2016 amb dos concerts, a Castelló i Barcelona que han estat un repte en molts sentits.

Feia uns quants anys que la Coral Juan Ramon Herrero de Castelló ens convidava al seu Aplec Nadalenc. Mai haviem pogut quadrar agendes fins aquest any coincidint amb el 10è aniversari de l’esdeveniment. L’ocasió imposava i vam acceptar tot i anar curts d’efectius. Sense baixos ens vam atrevir a pensar un repertori que estigués a l’alçada del preciós Teatre Principal i del cors amb qui compartiriem escenari.  

El Teatre Principal de Castelló va acollir, doncs, l’Aplec Nadalenc que va reunir 5 corals: la Coral Aritza d’Aibar (Navarra), el Coro Profesones IES Rosa Chacel de Colmenar Viejo (Madrid), el Coro Erarmonia de Saragossa, els amfitrions, la Coral Juan Ramon Herrero i nosaltres. El mal temps va fer que, finalment, el Coro Iubilate de Múrcia que també havia de participar a l’aplec no hi pogués assistir.

Al concert s’hi van poder escoltar nadales tradicionals i modernes, en basc, castellà, anglès, català… Per part nostra vam cantar la ja tradicional en els nostres concert de Nadal Les dotze van tocant i ens vam atrevir amb una versió del grup vocal Pentatonix, The Little Drummer Boy (El Tamborilero), arranjada pel nostre tenor Marc Segura, i amb una preciosa nadala sudafricana, Come colours, rise. També hi vam incloure la cançó Yerushalayim shel zahav, una cançó popular israeliana coneguda per la pel·lícula La llista de Schindler. Un repertori curt però molt exigent que no només ha suposat molt esforç sinó també una gran satisfacció.

Després del concert, vam compartir un sopar i una nit de Karaoke que també va portar alegries per a sOns. Les nostres contralts Isabel i Susana es van endur el tercer premi del concurs de Karaoke amb una fantàstica interpretació de ‘La Zarzamora’!

Amb una organització de 10 i una acollida immillorable, l’Aplec nadalenc de Castelló va ser un tancament d’any fantàstic. No només pel concert, que vam gaudir moltíssim sinó també per la companyia, i tota la música que vam compartir amb els participants d’arreu de l’Estat.

I diumenge a la tarda, amb el mateix repertori vam tenir el goig de participar al concert de Nadal del Cor Harmonia de l’Escola Pia de Sarrià de Barcelona. La capella de l’escola, amb una acústica espectacular va acollir aquest concert on vam compartir cançons amb la Coral Estel i el propi Cor Harmonia. Un vespre molt agradable que ens va servir de tancament de la nostra minigira de Nadal i del nostre 2016.

I el 2017? Doncs es prepara molt ple de música i de més novetats en la vida de sOns! Dates i concerts ja tancats, programes a punt de completar-se, idees que no paren de rondar pels nostres caps, canvis administratius que us anirem explicant i sobretot moltíssimes ganes de seguir compartint música, veus, records i moments amb tota la família sOns!

Sopar i actuacions!
Aperture: 2Iso: 800
« 8 of 16 »


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  • Maryanncoste

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    Across the world of rapidly changing money and variable costs sometimes situations arise where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the fashionable monetary appliances. It is necessary to consider what kind of lending this is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Wages

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower on the terms of repayment per day of receipt of his subsequent salary. Usually such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to assist the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of salary.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-salary loans usually are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual minimal. The borrower quite often needs provide only basic information and confirmation of stable income.

    No Credit History: For most loans up to salary there is no needed verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage those , who do not have good credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: Usually the loan term until salary composes several weeks or until next wages of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans may be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term base and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Mainly choose only reliable monetary organizations and legitimate lenders, because regulation in this area helps prevent unfair practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations provide protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to salary, it is worth considering alternative options, such as borrowing from friends or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other financial possibilities.

    Wise Use: Mainly use credit before wages wise and responsibly, avoiding constant appeal for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that possibly useful in situations of short-term financial problems. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and choosing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal cards, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive monetary problems.

  • Maryanncoste

    Your comment is awaiting approval.

    In a world of of rapidly changing finance and variable costs sometimes situations arise where you need to get financial support until your subsequent salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the popular financial appliances. Let’s look at is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower on the terms of repayment per day of receipt of his next wages boards. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to help the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of wages.
    2. Superiorities of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans usually are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual minimal. The borrower quite often require provide only basic information and proof of measured income.

    No Credit History: For many loans up to wages there is no required verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage those , who do not have good lending history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Refinancing Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until wages composes several weeks or until subsequent salary of the borrower.

    Refinance Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term basis and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Mainly choose only reliable financial organizations and legal lenders, since regulation in this area helps prevent negligent practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations provide protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to salary, it is worth inspecting other options, including borrowing from friends or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other financial possibilities.

    Wise Implementation: Mainly use credit before wages wise and responsibly, avoiding constant appeal for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term financial problems. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important aspect of your personal card game, and smart financial planning will help avoid excessive financial difficulties.

  • Maryanncoste

    Your comment is awaiting approval.

    Across the world of rapidly changing money and variable costs sometimes situations appear where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a salary loan becomes one of the fashionable financial appliances. It is necessary to consider what kind of lending this is and how it can be can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment per day of receipt of his next wages boards. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to help the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of wages.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an pretty solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is usually minimal. The borrower often must provide only basic information and proof of measured income.

    No Credit History: For many loans up to salary there is no required verification of the credit history of the borrower, which is a big advantage those , who do not have excellent credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until wages is several weeks or until next wages of the borrower.

    Refinance Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term base and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Fundamentally choose only reliable monetary organizations and legal lenders, because regulation in this area helps prevent dishonest practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations ensure protection of consumers, including transparency of criteria of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Candidates

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to wages, it is worth inspecting other options, such as borrowing from buddies or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Wise Implementation: Fundamentally use credit before wages reasonably and responsibly, avoiding constant appeal for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term financial difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal card game, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive financial difficulties.

  • Maryanncoste

    Your comment is awaiting approval.

    In a world of of rapidly changing money and variable costs sometimes situations arise where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the famous financial appliances. Let’s look at what kind of lending this is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Wages

    A loan up to salary is a short-term type of payday loans provided to the borrower on the terms of repayment on the day of receipt of his subsequent wages boards. Usually such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to assist the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the next payment of salary.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Wages

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans usually are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is usually minimal. The borrower often must provide only basic information and proof of measured income.

    No Lending History: For most loans up to salary there is no needed verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage for those , who do not have fair credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until salary is several weeks or until subsequent wages of the borrower.

    Refinance Rates: The rates on such loans may be higher than long-term loans because they are provided on a short-term base and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Fundamentally choose only reliable financial organizations and legitimate lenders, because regulation in this area helps prevent dishonest practices.

    Protection of consumers: Laws and regulations provide protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Candidates

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to salary, it is worth considering alternative options, such as borrowing from friends or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Reasonable Implementation: Important use credit before wages wise and responsibly, avoiding constant appeal for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term monetary difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal card game, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive financial difficulties.

  • Maryanncoste

    Your comment is awaiting approval.

    Across the world of rapidly changing money and variable costs from time to time situations appear where you need to get financial support until your subsequent salary. In this context, a salary loan becomes one of the favorite monetary appliances. It is necessary to consider is and how it can be can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of payday loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment per day of receipt of his next wages boards. Usually such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to assist the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of salary.
    2. Superiorities of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-salary loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is usually minimal. The borrower quite often must provide only basic information and confirmation of stable income.

    No Credit History: For most loans up to salary there is no needed verification of the credit history of the borrower, which is a big advantage for those , who do not have good lending history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: Usually the loan term until wages is several weeks or until subsequent salary of the borrower.

    Refinance Rates: The rates on such loans may be higher than long-term loans because they are provided on a short-term basis and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Fundamentally choose only reliable monetary organizations and legal lenders, since regulation in this area helps prevent dishonest practices.

    Protection of consumers: Laws and regulations provide protection of consumers, including transparency of criteria of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Caution and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to wages, it is worth inspecting other options, including borrowing from buddies or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other financial possibilities.

    Wise Implementation: Fundamentally use credit before salary reasonably and responsibly, avoiding constant application for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term financial problems. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal card game, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive financial difficulties.

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